Hey readers,
Today I went to my college for next yeat and had my first meeting with the disability center. They showed me what services they provide. They provide a lot of stuff to help people with special learning needs get through school. They want everyone to succeed. I learned a lot of thing today. Some services they provide are peer tutoring which is having someone to sit with you at lunch or hang out. They also provide electronics to help people. They said they want everyone to do well at school.
They have a club for autism student which is neat. The school is even trying to set up a room where the people in this club can go during the day to get away from the busyness of school. This will also help me make friends like me.
After this meeting I am getting excited to start school in September. I will be going back in two weeks to visit them again.
I also have gone on a tour of the school with my sister's friend Nicole and will hopefully have a few more in the summer.
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